1) First and most important, I am thankful for God's undeserving love. We are here to serve Him. I feel like in the world today, it's so easy to place importance on unnecessary things. Materialistic things. Life is so short and every day I want to be closer to Him, a better version of myself than I was yesterday, and to set a godly example with the life I live. I would not be able to succeed or have a happy life if I didn't have the Lord. He truly is my rock and with Him all things are possible.
2) I am so grateful for my family. God has blessed me with amazing and loving parents and brother. I am also thankful for my in-laws. I have gained such a great extended family.
3) My husband. We have known each other since the first grade. We fight like brother and sister and probably take each other for granted sometimes. However, I love him. He's my friend and someone who I want to spend all my days with. I'm thankful that I KNOW God has to be present in a marriage for it to work. There are times when I may get upset and have a heavy heart. I may expect so much out of my husband or ask him to change things. BUT, I remind myself that nobody is perfect. No one. And praying for your spouse is a very necessary ingredient to a successful marriage. That accepting your husband for everything he is, is important, because that is what God does for us. He accepts us, he loves us unconditionally, and he's a forgiver. We should pour out unconditional love to those in our lives, to always have grace, be slow to anger and quick to forgiveness.
4) I am thankful for my new job. I have recently been blessed with a new job, teaching 3rd grade reading and language arts. I am so blessed that I get to use my passion of teaching to help children.
5) I am thankful for my church. It is a hop, a skip, and a jump away. It is always a breath of fresh air, every Sunday.
6) I am thankful for using technology and social media for good. I think social media can easily suck the life out of you. It's so easy to be envious of other people's lives, or spend more time on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest then we do with our own families or reading the Word. I love when I am on Facebook and someone is posting about a great church service or sharing a bible verse that is just what you needed for the day! I love my bible app, it makes reading the Word so convenient and leaves no room for excuses (because we always have our phones with us). I love following blogs that speak of the greatness of the Lord and helping others.

Be Blessed!