Ever since I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do is help my mom get her first grade classroom ready for back-to-school. As long as I can remember she has had a specific theme (frogs, pirates, Wizard of Oz, and currently Snoopy). I really love the Snoopy theme, it's very classic and cute. My memories of being a first grader or second grader is that first day of school when you walk into the classroom and your teacher has it decorated so nicely and fun and worked so hard to provide such an enchanting place to learn. Now, thanks to Pinterest I've noticed a lot of teachers are going a more neutral route in their classroom. Not specifically sticking to a theme but maybe just providing a certain color pallet that you can use for more than one school year.It has me wondering what I will do when I graduate in December and hopefully have my first classroom that Spirng or the following Fall. What do you prefer? Theme or no theme??