I made these for the kids for the first day of school. They loved them!

We read the Kissing Hand (one of my favs) on the first day. They got to draw a picture of their family and make a hand print, I also attached a poem about the Kissing Hand.

I taught them this little saying, we say it together before we begin any work.

I made this great coloring reference chart. (By the way I love when children use their imagination and their own creativity, this was just to help them make sense of it all, instead of grabbing whatever crayon and scribbling on their paper)

First letter we learned was L. We read Llama Llama Misses Mama and made these little llamas. I think they're cute!

We then learned O. We made little octopuses and octopus soup (green food coloring, ramen, and hot dogs). They absolutely loved it.

Most recently we learned the letter G. I read the old tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff . I read the big book and did the felt board story. Felt boards are kind of old school but I think they are great for retelling and comprehension. I let the Kinders take turns retelling the story with the felt board that week. They really enjoyed it.

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